Group Insurance

(generally equates to lower premiums for individuals involved)

The group:

  • provides a recognizable body in the view of insurance companies

  • may vary in number of individuals involved which can affect premium

  • is recommended to seek legal advice (by risk assessor and a lawyer)

  • needs to decide whether to incorporate or not (there are differences between states)

  • reduces risk for the insuring body itself and those individuals covered

  • determines which items on policy schedule would be beneficial

  • maintains a membership list or register

  • determines criteria for inclusion on list or register. Specifically, criteria which mean something to insurance companies. (See below)

  • administers membership list, payments etc. and undertakes ongoing regulation, monitoring of members continuing to meet criteria or not

  • negotiates with insurance companies

  • refer also to points made for individual insurance.

Possible Criteria:

  • Accreditation &/or training (eg recognised by AECSD)

  • The person has worked as a spiritual director in Australia for ….year(s) after completing training

  • The person is receiving regular supervision with an experienced (trained?) supervisor

  • The person is partaking in …hours of professional development annually

  • The person adheres to specific standards of practice and codes of conduct e.g. the Code of Ethics recommended by the AECSD

  • The person is receiving regular spiritual direction from an experienced, trained director.

This is not meant to be an exclusive list.