Our Vision

Spiritual direction seeks to listen the life-giving presence of God into articulation within the individual and the faith community.

We believe that the spiritual journey is unique to each person and that God fashions and transforms according to the secret call within us.

The ministry of spiritual direction is a sacred trust, calling for the highest standards of formation, practice and accountability.

The Australian Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction welcomes the ministry of spiritual directors who belong to the different Christian traditions in which Christ continues to minister through his Spirit.

Our Mission

The AECSD seeks to serve the spiritual direction community of Australia.

Our goal is to support and foster the prophetic dimension inherent in the ministry of spiritual direction which calls attention to the presence of God in all of life. This prophetic ministry calls for a practical lived response to that presence in ways that are just, reconciling and healing for all people and the whole of creation.

We work toward this goal by:

  • recommending guidelines to foster, support, and recognise the formation of spiritual directors

  • promoting ethical guidelines

  • supporting associations of spiritual directors

  • providing opportunities for conversation among formators and among other groups within the community of spiritual directors

  • encouraging the ongoing personal, spiritual, and professional development of spiritual directors.